In the Raven's Shadow: the inspiration

In the Raven's Shadow: the inspiration

Hello friends,

So, we recently added a new design to our kid's classic hoodies, one that is very near and dear to me in terms of the inspiration. So, outside of horses, my next great love is children. They weren't in the cards for me, but I was blessed enough to have my childhood best friend share hers with me. Her youngest (my beloved niece) just turned eleven and she takes after her mother and I at that age and is as horse crazy as we were (and still are). She's even riding at the same stable her mom and I used to take lessons at when we were kids. She wants to learn dressage like her auntie, which thrills me to no end. When I moved she inherited my well-loved Breyer collection, which I had always hoped to pass along to my own horse crazy daughter. Mission accomplished.

When her birthday was approaching, I had a special request for Marsha to replicate the "horse hugger" adult college hoodie in a children's version in her favorite colors. I should mention that my niece's name is Raven, and Marsha went above and beyond changing the design to give a very special young lady a very special custom made design for her birthday. She added a soaring raven behind the now brunette girl hugging her horse. The braid is just an ironic twist of fate, Raven has taken to wearing her that way frequently lately. Another fun fact: her mom, Jen (although she will always be Jenny to me) and I spent countless weekends watching the same two movies over and over again: Beaches and Steel Magnolias. We still call each other Hil and Cece, Jen gets to be Hillary because she bears a strong resemblance to a young Barbara Hershey. For those of you that know the movie, the iconic "Wind Beneath my Wings" was the hit on the soundtrack and the soaring raven reminds me of that song (and the hours Jen and I spent singing it along with the entire soundtrack in the tiny jack and jill bathroom in my parent's house. Obviously we did that for acoustical purposes). This particular design is a beautiful example of art replicating life and how things come full circle. As eleven-year-olds we weren't thinking of this gorgeous human that would so strengthen the steel forged bond that one can only have with someone they've been friends with since they were seven, but neither of us can imagine life without her, nor would we ever want to. 

So, I hope you enjoy the design and the 36 years of history that led up to it, with the help of Marsha's artistic genius. If there's a horse crazy little girl in your life, this design is one of a kind and sure to please. Order one in her favorite color and give her something she'll be sure to adore. Stay tuned until next time, I have to tell you about the women's chunky canvas boot! And Raven, if you're reading this, Aunt Heather loves you very VERY much! 


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